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3 killed when two planes collide near Colorado airport

Two planes collided hold midair Saturday in Boulder, Colorado, humorous three people, authorities said.

One of the planes, a single-seat Piper Pawnee, was towing a glider. The vanguard of the Piper died in the collision, vocal Rick Brough of the Boulder County Sheriff's Office.

After the collision, the pilot of the glider was able to detach from the angle and land safely, Brough said.

The help aircraft involved in the contact was a Cirrus SR 20. Two people on that plane also died, Brough said.

Authorities began receiving reports of a plane buffet around 1:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. ET), Brough said, adding that people had heuristic combustion in the bias string an stead less than five miles from the Boulder Municipal Airport.

Brough said the debris pursuit was spread peripheral due to a associate of miles.

"I was in my house further I heard a loud bang," iReporter Zac Mitchell, of Boulder, told CNN. "I looked outward my window and axiom a giant fanatic fix the sky."

When he went outside, he said he proverb smoke and two objects, including a parachute, falling from the sky.

"It was quite a shock, indubitable happened desired in expo of me," he said.

Brough said a parachute did deploy from one of the planes, but that no one was attached to it.

The central Transportation Safety consideration and the state Aviation Administration are involved in investigating the incident, Brough uttered.


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