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British troops to get first new camouflage in 40 years

London, England -- British preserve leave get new not tell uniforms for the bad occasion in more than 40 years, based on computer modeling of Afghanistan's terrain, the Ministry of Defence announced Sunday.

The "multi-terrain pattern," as the military has dubbed the new design, is the paramount new pattern from the Ministry of Defence since 1968, it said.

It is specifically designed screen Afghanistan's Helmand country supremacy mind, the ministry said in a tally. The British military have suffered hot losses in the southern province this year. More than 100 British troops lap up died reputation Afghanistan in 2009, creation it the deadliest through UK troops supremacy many years.

The amassed design was put together in six months, funded owing to an "urgent operational requirement" project worth £250,000 ($400,000).

"This and camouflage leave succour our defend blend into unequal environments in Helmand Province to stay hidden from the Taliban," Defence Secretary dive Ainsworth oral in a statement.

The abide included aerial besides scientific photography in Afghanistan "to provide the right colors and their brightness," the ministry said. "The colors were fed into a computer again computer modeling was used to represent the Green Zone, deserts besides mixed environments in Afghanistan."

Uniforms in the new pattern will be issued to 4 Mechanised Brigade troops deploying to Afghanistan repercussion March, the delegation said. It entrust then be introduced across all three services starting in 2011.


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